Thursday 1 January 2015

12 Interesting Facts about Chlorine: Halogen Atomic Element Number 17

1 Chlorine, a greenish yellow gas is rarely found in pure form, but as compounds in rock salt. It is commonly found in seawater. Carl Wilhelm Scheele first discovered this element in 1774 after extracting it from the mineral pyrolusite, but it was Sir Humphry Davy who named it in 1810.

Water Chlorination

2 The World Health Organization reported that adding chlorine to water has helped to increase life expectancy in the USA from a mere 45 to roughly 77 years. Water chlorination kills dangerous pathogens including typhoid, cholera and dysentery by oxidization, making water safe to drink.

3 Chlorine’s chief use is as a disinfectant and is added routinely to drinking water and swimming pools. Paper factories, paint, textiles, insecticides, medicines and antiseptics also use chlorine for cleaning and as a solvent.

Chlorine Tablets for Swimming Pools
4 Chlorine Properties

Atomic number: 17
Atomic weight: 35.453
State: Greenish yellow gas
Category: halogen
Melting point: -102°C (-151°F)
Boiling point:  -34°C (-29°F)

5 The disinfectant smell of swimming pools is attributed to chlorine. Conversely, a strong chlorine smell is a sign of a dirty pool, as by-products of chlorine emit odours as bacteria are killed. Nowadays, pools are shock-chlorinated with large amounts of sodium hypochlorite to mass-kill bacteria. Only once the chlorine levels are low, is the (now clean) pool safe to swim in.

6 Despite the health benefits of chlorinating water, by-products of over-chlorination can cause side effects such as fatigue and in high doses, cancer of the kidneys and liver as well as heart disease. For this reason, levels of chlorine in water supplies are constantly monitored to ensure they are low.

Chlorine Gas

7 Chlorine’s antiseptic qualities are in fact because it is toxic. In liquid form will irritate mucous membranes and burn the skin. In gas, can be lethal after a mere few breaths in concentrations of 1000 parts per million.  In 1915, the Germans released chlorine gas over the trenches of the British, killing thousands of soldiers.

Potassium Chloride Uses

Chlorine Symbol
8 Chlorine is present in table salt, hence sodium chloride but its uses are not confined to seasoning food. The chloride in salt provides a safe antiseptic for cleaning contact lenses and surgical equipment. Salts are also fed via intravenous drip to balance the body’s electrolytes. Potassium chloride is a pharmaceutical mineral salt used to treat potassium deficiency.

Hydrogen Chloride

9 Chlorine is also present in our stomachs in the form of hydrochloric acid (chlorine bonded with hydrogen), without which proteins could not be broken down for digestion. Hydrochloric acid is one of the most corrosive substances known to man, which also makes it invaluable for industrial processes, such as cleaning, refining metals and in fertilizer production.

What is Chloroform?

10 Chloroform, (a chloromethane), a thick, colourless liquid, is one of the first anaesthetics to be used after obstetrician James Young Simpson discovered for himself how inhaling the vapours spurred unconsciousness. But using it as pain relief for childbirth caused controversy with the church, as it was seen to be interfering with God’s way. This didn’t stop Queen Victoria from using chloroform when bearing two of her children.

11 It is chlorine that bleaches paper white. In fact, when added to clothes, or anything, it will make it whiter. This is because chlorine is a key ingredient in bleach.

12 Chloride is used in plastic known as PVC, or poly-vinyl-chloride. Being weatherproof, tough and heat resistant, is a favoured material for pipes, windows, doors and guttering on millions of homes.

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