Sunday 28 December 2014

12 Interesting Facts about Sodium: Alkali Metal Element Atomic Number 11

1 Sodium, the sixth most abundant element found in the earth’s crust, is rarely found in its pure form, but in numerous compounds. Sir Humphry Davy was the first to isolate the element in 1807.

2 Sodium in its many forms is invaluable to industries, such as caustic soda (detergents and drain cleaners), sodium chloride (de-icers), sodium hydroxide (soap making), sodium bicarbonate (raising agent for baking), sodium carbonate (commonly known as soda ash) for making glass. Sodium is also used as a coolant in nuclear reactor cores.

3 Bicarbonate of soda is believed to have the potential to save thousands of pounds on cleaning products in the home. Its neutralizing powers can eliminate odors, abrade with its grainy texture, being alkaline dissolves grime. A simple compound, yet most commercial household cleaners work in exactly the same way.

Sodium Chloride: Table Salt
4 Sodium Essential Facts

Atomic number: 11
Atomic weight: 22.989770
State: silver-white alkaline metallic solid
Category: alkali metal
Melting point: 98°C (208°F)
Boiling point: 883°C (1,621°F)

Is Sodium a Mineral or Metal?

5 Table salt actually contains a metal – a soft alkali metal in the form of sodium within sodium chloride. But salt itself is classed as an ionic salt, a crystalline mineral.

6 Salt is was valued as a taste enhancer in food that is was used like currency in the Roman times which is where the word ‘salary’ is derived, from the Latin word ‘sal, for salt. In fact, sodium’s chemical symbol Na, is from the Latin word natrium, meaning sodium.

7 The sea’s salty taste is due to sodium compounds being washed from rocks over billions of years. Sodium and chloride are two of the most common elements by weight that are dissolved in seawater.

8 Sodium is sometimes considered to be a mineral because it is found in numerous mineral compounds, namely sodalite, halite, cryolite, zeolite, borax, amphibole, soda niter and sodium chloride…table salt.

9 Being highly reactive, sodium is prone to oxidization from the air and spontaneous combustion when in contact with water. It has to be kept in oil or kerosene to retain stability.

Sodium Symbol
Health Benefits of Sodium

10 Although sodium is needed in the body and is found in table salt, is not to be eaten alone as it is highly reactive. The chloride makes the sodium available to the body as an essential electrolyte for nerve impulses, muscle contractions, fluid regulation and cell function. Sodium is given for dehydration due to overexertion, diarrhea or sunstroke.

11 But too much salt can cause water retention, high blood pressure, kidney disease and stroke. Recommended doses should remain below 0.5mg of salt per day.

12 Sodium is a staple ingredient for skin creams, hydrating and defending against free radicals that can damage skin cells through sun exposure or ageing. Sodium hydroxide is used for skin cleansing products, acne treatment or as a buffering agent to remove dead skin cells. It can also be found in some toothpastes.

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